Dieses Thema im Forum "Dione" wurde erstellt von OctroneXx, 15. Oktober 2013.
Here you can share and talk about your PBs and compare them to others.
My PB is 33:12.. I hate and love Dione at the same time
Re: AW: Personal Best I know how you feel, only that I hate done more then I love her :lol:
50:40 for me, but I have only done it once... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
first time 32:56*
32:56* --> 30:59* :twisted:
Nice Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
thanks did you know... the button "ZITIEREN" on the top right of the entry can be used for a quote
Yea, I know Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
good time!
42:00 my first time, with star. Ricardo
43:18 "FIRST TIME"